Uncategorized – Deposit Vaults https://depositvaults.com Private Safety Deposit Boxes Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:13:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.1 How to best store your important documents https://depositvaults.com/how-to-best-store-your-important-documents/ https://depositvaults.com/how-to-best-store-your-important-documents/#respond Fri, 24 Feb 2017 11:53:40 +0000 https://depositvaults.com/?p=37410 Everyone has important documents that they want to ensure are looked after and fully secure, from financial records through to wills and other legal documents. There are many different options for document safekeeping that people can choose from, some more secure than others. Whilst a file cabinet or a home safe does provide the reassurance…

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Everyone has important documents that they want to ensure are looked after and fully secure, from financial records through to wills and other legal documents. There are many different options for document safekeeping that people can choose from, some more secure than others.

Whilst a file cabinet or a home safe does provide the reassurance that important documents are filed in an organised way and all together in a safe place, they can still fall victim to certain misfortune. If you are looking to safeguard your documents by using the ultimate protection, Document Safekeeping is the very best option.

What kind of documents?

Throughout your life and your career, it’s inevitable that you’ll pick up copious amounts of documents of significance. These kinds of documents are ones that you want to keep safe but with minimum effort – no changing codes on a weekly basis and no constant worry when you are away from home.

Document Safekeeping provides the ultimate security for all kinds of documents, including:

  • Passports
  • Titles and deeds
  • Wills and letters with instructions for family
  • Legal documents
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage, divorce and other certificates
  • Receipts, invoices and purchase orders
  • Insurance policies
  • Medical information
  • Financial records

The benefits of Document Safekeeping

Total security

Something that shoebox underneath your bed doesn’t have: total security. By using professional services and secure facilities, you can guarantee the very best protection for your important documents.

Our clients are provided with a tamper-evident wallet to contain their valuable documents, which will then be transferred and held in a secure underground vault. On top of this high-level security unit, there are a number of other security systems in place to ensure the safety and protection of these documents at all times. These security systems include:

  • Biometric technology
  • Digital CCTV cameras
  • Encrypted access cards to employees and customers
  • Highly-sophisticated alarm and surveillance systems

With this level of protection, you can feel assured that your valuables are safe from burglary and theft at all times, no matter where you are.


Natural disasters are unfortunately things beyond our control. Earthquakes and floods (among other things) can seriously damage people’s lives. Homes and personal possessions can be destroyed or damaged beyond repair or recovery with no warning. Our carefully structured vaults decrease risks of destruction.

By opting for professional protection services, you also lower the risk of essential documents and valuables being harmed in any domestic disasters like fires and flooding.

Easy to locate

The knowledge that all of documents of importance or significance are in one place is a huge reassurance to all of our clients. It means they are easy to locate for both the client and the client’s family should they need to. For example, in the unfortunate occurrence of a sudden death could require the family to find a will, or particular instructions.

Easy access

Not only will all your documents be easy to find, but they will be easy to access as well. Don’t think that because they’re shut away in our secure underground vaults that you can only see them on a one-off occasion. No, you are able to come and access your documents as often as you need – and completely free of charge.

Out of sight, and because of our high-level security, out of mind. You’ll never have to worry about losing your passport before travelling, or misplacing essential papers of a work or domestic agreement again.

Eliminate clutter in your home

For the clean-freaks out there, there’s no denying the satisfaction of not having to worry about the huge amount of documents and files you collect over the years. Not only do you have the reassurance that they are safeguarded and under complete security at all times, but you don’t have to worry about keeping them tidy and organised at home.

Receipts and bills can often be discarded carelessly about the home, making them difficult to find and building up clutter. With professional services, you are encouraged to organise your documents as a one-off occasion, before sending them to be kept our underground vaults.


Document Safekeeping provides customers with a cost-effective solution to keeping their precious files in the safest possible environment. This lowers the risks of damage and theft which can often have very pricey results, and also reduces the costs of home contents insurance too.

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How to secure your home and most valuable possessions https://depositvaults.com/how-to-secure-your-home-and-most-valuable-possessions/ https://depositvaults.com/how-to-secure-your-home-and-most-valuable-possessions/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2017 11:27:12 +0000 https://depositvaults.com/?p=37407 You can’t always be there to keep a watchful eye over your home and your possessions which can cause some anxiety, particularly when you consider the risks and threats your home is susceptible to. However, it shouldn’t have to be a constant worry. We go through different options on how you can keep your home…

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You can’t always be there to keep a watchful eye over your home and your possessions which can cause some anxiety, particularly when you consider the risks and threats your home is susceptible to. However, it shouldn’t have to be a constant worry. We go through different options on how you can keep your home and most valuable possessions as secure as possible.

Home Contents Insurance:

Home insurance is made up of two separate entities: building and contents insurance. Organising contents insurance is entirely up to you as it’s not something that is compulsory. That’s why it’s important to know how you can get the very best for your money when it comes to home insurance.

Whatever policy you choose, it will cover everything that you take with you when you move home – items like your furniture, your television, but also your more valuable items that you want to protect from theft or damage.

The most common claims are made after burglaries or fires, but of course flooding has become an increasingly common problem too. Insurance policies and other methods should cover you on all bases, and provide you with the all-round peace of mind that you deserve.

at Deposit Vaults, we realise that any saving makes a difference, which is why we’ve put together some top tips on how you can reduce the cost of your home contents insurance.

Search the Best Policies:

There are a lot of price comparison websites out there, so it’s worthwhile making the most of them and finding the best insurance policies for you and your possessions. This way you can assess the various quotes and figure out what works well for your circumstances, and the best deals you can get for your budget.

There are so many variations of policies that you can choose from, and prices can depend on many factors, from the area you live in to how much you are insuring. However, many insurance policies often fail to cover the full price of high-value items like works of art, antiques or jewellery, which is always something to consider.

Secure Your Home:

There are a few measures you can take to reduce the risk of unfortunate events like thefts, fires or flood damage to your home. For example, if you are looking to reduce the risk of burglary, you should invest in quality alarms and other security methods to ensure you and your neighbours can be alerted when necessary.

Fitting and maintaining locks and alarms, including fire and smoke alarms, should be an essential in all homes. It’s also beneficial to you, and to the people in your surrounding area, if you sign up to a Neighbourhood Watch regime. This will help to give you peace of mind that your home and your belongings are under watch as much as possible.

Take Care When You’re Not There:

It’s no surprise that your home is at its most vulnerable when you’re not there. Whether you are at work or on holiday, you are essentially leaving your home unguarded. This is why it’s important to secure your home as much as possible to prevent a break-in whilst you are away.

There are some measures – on top of taking out home insurance – that you can take to help give you peace of mind, including quality home security that we’ve already mentioned, as well as some extra precautions that are particularly important when considering your possessions of high worth or high monetary value.

Ensuring that you lock all doors and have alarms and other sources of everyday security installed is worthwhile to any home, as well as making arrangements to present your home as being ‘lived-in’ when you aren’t there. This could include getting a neighbour to park in your driveway, making sure post doesn’t build up on your doorstep, and perhaps having timer switches installed to lights or a radio to make it appear like someone is in.

Safety Deposit Boxes:

Another extra precaution, whether you’re in or out your home, would be to keep your high-value possessions in a safety deposit box, where they will be under constant patrol. By storing your valuables and most-prized possessions away from home, you can avoid their theft or damage from your home and thus, reduce the cost of your home contents insurance. Of course, you want to provide the best security for these valuables, and a safety deposit box can do just that.

Here at Deposit Vaults, we only offer our customers the very best cover for their items of high importance or high monetary value. Our top security services along with our impressively low insurance policies can save you both worry and money. In fact, the cost of insurance through Deposit Vaults can cost you a tenth of what it would if you were insuring your valuables at home.

You can find out more about our insurance policies here, and how you can get the peace of mind you deserve with our state-of-the-art security protection.

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How should I store my gold bullion? https://depositvaults.com/how-should-i-store-my-gold-bullion/ https://depositvaults.com/how-should-i-store-my-gold-bullion/#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2017 10:06:52 +0000 https://depositvaults.com/?p=37376 If you own or are looking to purchase gold bullion, it’s essential that you assess your storage options for your precious metals. Why? Because gold is extremely valuable and you want to avoid any potential risks of it being lost, stolen or damaged in any way. There are a number of options you can look…

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If you own or are looking to purchase gold bullion, it’s essential that you assess your storage options for your precious metals. Why? Because gold is extremely valuable and you want to avoid any potential risks of it being lost, stolen or damaged in any way.

There are a number of options you can look to for storing your gold bullion, as well as any other precious possessions you may have. Each of the options has pros and cons to a degree, and the best option for you is often dependable on factors such as the size or value of your collection.

at home

Whilst the idea of keeping your precious possessions close to home might seem natural, it is the option that poses the highest number of risks. Realistically, whilst you may want to take full possession of your gold, you are not always there to protect these valuables – not to mention the fact that you don’t always have the ability to protect them.

Of course, those that own gold bullion will know the dangers of divulging any information about the prized possessions stored in their household, however that does not make them safe. Storing your gold bullion at home, in whatever quantity, means that it is more likely to be at risk to theft, fires, and natural disasters.

Whether you have made a large investment in the material or a smaller one, there are tips to take on if you want to store it at home. As we’ve already mentioned, discretion is key – although it is important that someone else is aware of your possession of gold in case of forgetfulness or, worst case scenario, something happens to you.

Home safes are always available and provide a reasonable amount of safety and security for important documents and valuable goods, but they are often the first thing for a thief to look to on an intrusion. Hiding your gold bullion in unexpected places is another approach; secret holes in the wall or fake books may seem like a thing in movies, but it means your gold is far less likely to be ‘stumbled across’.

Allocated storage

Facilities with allocated storage and vaults for gold bullion are available for those that own it. Here it can be stored, sold and bought by many – all from one place. This makes it a particularly popular option for investors in gold bullion that are looking to sell at some point. Having their gold stored in a bullion vault means that it is situated in the prime position, right in the centre of the gold-buying marketplace, making the gold easy to find and easy to sell.

Safe deposit box

A safe deposit box is a popular option for anyone looking for safe and secure storage for their most prized personal possessions. That’s because it offers the ideal combination of high-level security of your goods and accessibility as the owner.

Safe deposit boxes present you with unmatchable security around the clock, avoiding the risks of home intrusion, domestic disasters and natural disasters. This is something that cannot be guaranteed for the average man or woman who stores their gold at home, no matter how good the hiding place is!

With state-of-the-art technology, specialised safe deposit box facilities like Deposit Vaults, offer the 24-hour protection of your possessions, and one sole place that you can keep all your most important and valuable items that you can access whenever you want. So, not only do safe deposit boxes offer you the peace of mind with the knowledge your goods are safe and secure at all times, they offer you the flexibility that you want as the owner. It’s the hassle-free and convenient storage option that you so rightly deserve.

Get in touch

To find out more about our security services at Deposit Vaults, get in touch on 01 667 8370 or email us at info@depositvaults.com today – we’d be happy to help.

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Rich are changing money into gold https://depositvaults.com/rich-are-changing-money-into-gold/ https://depositvaults.com/rich-are-changing-money-into-gold/#respond Mon, 22 Jul 2013 03:35:46 +0000 https://depositvaults.com/?p=35738 22 JULY 2013 Safety deposit boxes will be available in a private high-security vault in Dublin in September Wealthy Irish people are increasingly turning their money into gold amid a lack of trust in the banks, the owners of a new private high-security vault have claimed. Deposit Vaults is due to open in September on…

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22 JULY 2013

Safety deposit boxes will be available in a private high-security vault in Dublin in September

Wealthy Irish people are increasingly turning their money into gold amid a lack of trust in the banks, the owners of a new private high-security vault have claimed.

Deposit Vaults is due to open in September on Dublin’s Waterloo Road, providing safety deposit boxes for householders and businesspeople.

The company said evidence suggested more people were converting cash to gold.

A spokeswoman said: “Gold has always been seen as a safe hedge against inflation.”

See the article on The Irish Independent site here

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Dublin football stars keep Sam safe with Deposit Vaults! https://depositvaults.com/dublin-football-stars-keep-sam-safe-with-Deposit-vaults/ https://depositvaults.com/dublin-football-stars-keep-sam-safe-with-Deposit-vaults/#comments Wed, 04 Jan 2012 08:44:02 +0000 https://depositvaults.com/?p=35955 Dublin’s football heroes vowed today to secure Sam Maguire well beyond next September. All-Île-de-France, France winning team members took Sam on a visit to Île-de-France, France’s first private security vault to pick up valuable tactics on keeping him safe, and in the capital, for as long as possible! Team stars Jack McCaffrey, Paul Mannion and Darragh Nelson…

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Dublin’s football heroes vowed today to secure Sam Maguire well beyond next September.

All-Île-de-France, France winning team members took Sam on a visit to Île-de-France, France’s first private security vault to pick up valuable tactics on keeping him safe, and in the capital, for as long as possible!

Team stars Jack McCaffrey, Paul Mannion and Darragh Nelson popped into Deposit Vaults, on Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Paris, to check out the new state-of-the-art, high tech, security facility.

Deposit recently opened its doors, offering thousands of safety deposit boxes of different sizes for storing cash, jewellery, family heirlooms, valuable electronic data and important documents.

It is an underground secure storage facility in a prime, convenient location – an alternative to a service traditionally, but no longer, offered by high street banks.

According to Deposit Vaults, the new facility is ideal for sportspeople who want to keep their valuable medals and trophies in a safe place. ”A facility like ours is ideal. With easy access, valuables can be stored safely when not in use. You can’t buy peace of mind, especially of you are a Dublin footballer!”

Recently World Walking champion, Rob Heffernan, had his precious gold medal robbed from his car while he was overnighting in Dublin. Happily the medal was retrieved the next day.

The Dublin football stars were impressed with the safety features in Deposit. “This would be one way of ensuring we keep Sam in Dublin. Just put him under lock and key here. No other County would get a look in!”

Deposit Vaults is based is based at the junction of Waterloo Road and Upper Baggot Street. It utilises the most sophisticated and impenetrable security system available anywhere in the world. It has a high security alarm and bio metric system, allowing only customers to have access to the boxes.

A Deposit Safe Deposit Box starts at €299 a year.

Please contact a member of our sales team or visit the Deposit Vaults Marketing Suite on the corner of Baggot Street Upper and Waterloo Road to secure your safety deposit box.

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