You can’t always be there to keep a watchful eye over your home and your possessions which can cause some anxiety, particularly when you consider the risks and threats your home is susceptible to. However, it shouldn’t have to be a constant worry. We go through different options on how you can keep your home and most valuable possessions as secure as possible.

Home Contents Insurance:

Home insurance is made up of two separate entities: building and contents insurance. Organising contents insurance is entirely up to you as it’s not something that is compulsory. That’s why it’s important to know how you can get the very best for your money when it comes to home insurance.

Whatever policy you choose, it will cover everything that you take with you when you move home – items like your furniture, your television, but also your more valuable items that you want to protect from theft or damage.

The most common claims are made after burglaries or fires, but of course flooding has become an increasingly common problem too. Insurance policies and other methods should cover you on all bases, and provide you with the all-round peace of mind that you deserve.

At Deposit Vaults, we realise that any saving makes a difference, which is why we’ve put together some top tips on how you can reduce the cost of your home contents insurance.

Search the Best Policies:

There are a lot of price comparison websites out there, so it’s worthwhile making the most of them and finding the best insurance policies for you and your possessions. This way you can assess the various quotes and figure out what works well for your circumstances, and the best deals you can get for your budget.

There are so many variations of policies that you can choose from, and prices can depend on many factors, from the area you live in to how much you are insuring. However, many insurance policies often fail to cover the full price of high-value items like works of art, antiques or jewellery, which is always something to consider.

Secure Your Home:

There are a few measures you can take to reduce the risk of unfortunate events like thefts, fires or flood damage to your home. For example, if you are looking to reduce the risk of burglary, you should invest in quality alarms and other security methods to ensure you and your neighbours can be alerted when necessary.

Fitting and maintaining locks and alarms, including fire and smoke alarms, should be an essential in all homes. It’s also beneficial to you, and to the people in your surrounding area, if you sign up to a Neighbourhood Watch regime. This will help to give you peace of mind that your home and your belongings are under watch as much as possible.

Take Care When You’re Not There:

It’s no surprise that your home is at its most vulnerable when you’re not there. Whether you are at work or on holiday, you are essentially leaving your home unguarded. This is why it’s important to secure your home as much as possible to prevent a break-in whilst you are away.

There are some measures – on top of taking out home insurance – that you can take to help give you peace of mind, including quality home security that we’ve already mentioned, as well as some extra precautions that are particularly important when considering your possessions of high worth or high monetary value.

Ensuring that you lock all doors and have alarms and other sources of everyday security installed is worthwhile to any home, as well as making arrangements to present your home as being ‘lived-in’ when you aren’t there. This could include getting a neighbour to park in your driveway, making sure post doesn’t build up on your doorstep, and perhaps having timer switches installed to lights or a radio to make it appear like someone is in.

Safety Deposit Boxes:

Another extra precaution, whether you’re in or out your home, would be to keep your high-value possessions in a safety deposit box, where they will be under constant patrol. By storing your valuables and most-prized possessions away from home, you can avoid their theft or damage from your home and thus, reduce the cost of your home contents insurance. Of course, you want to provide the best security for these valuables, and a safety deposit box can do just that.

Here at Deposit Vaults, we only offer our customers the very best cover for their items of high importance or high monetary value. Our top security services along with our impressively low insurance policies can save you both worry and money. In fact, the cost of insurance through Deposit Vaults can cost you a tenth of what it would if you were insuring your valuables at home.

You can find out more about our insurance policies here, and how you can get the peace of mind you deserve with our state-of-the-art security protection.